to Winding River Campground

How to get to Winding River Campground at Sauble Beach

Winding River Campground is located just 2.5 hours from the City of Toronto - 1 km from the main strip at Sauble Beach. We are located close to many amenities - including hiking, golfing, fishing, nature reserves, Sauble Falls, the Bruce Trail and of course the Bruce peninsula & Sauble Beach.

Check out these links


Finding Winding River Campground is easy!!

Take Highway 10 north to Chatsworth. Follow 6/10 to Rockford. Turn left at the lights and follow to the next stop sign. Turn right and follow Highway 6 north to Hepworth. Go straight through at the lights and follow straight - you're at Sauble Beach!

Directions from Toronto (Google Map)

Winding River Campground Limited
94 Fedy Drive 
Sauble Beach
Ontario N0H 2G0
Phone: 1-519-422-1509

Camping In Ontario

100% Canadian Owned


Free wifi